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A Pre-European Bantu culture in the Lydenburg District. [Argeol. Navors. Nas. Mus., 2(5).]
Bloemfontein 1939.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 28cm. Pp. 47-74, 18 plates, 22 photos and figs. in text, bibliogr. Orig. printed wrappers. Small stamp to front cover, very good otrherwise. - Scarce.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Pilleri, G., & Gihr, M., 1981.:
The brain (endocranial cast) of Schizodelphis sulcatus and the cephalization of Eoplatanista italica (Cetacea): palaeoneurological and palaeoecological considerations.

EUR 18,00
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Bate, R.H., 1975.:
Ostracods from the Callovian to Tithonian sediments of Tanzania, East Africa.

EUR 17,50
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Pedersen, A., 1969.:
The distribution of the Labiatae and Verbenaceae within Denmark.

EUR 12,00
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Muir-Wood, H.M., 1962.:
On the miorphology and classification of the brachiopod Chonetoidea.

EUR 35,00
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