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VIENNOT, P.: gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia 8vo, 24cm. Pp. 266,[26], 50 photos (scenery, rock samples) on 11 heliogravure plates, 35 figs. and maps in text, 1 large fold. chromolithl. geol. map (sc. 1:200,000, 67x98cm + 2 detail maps and 30 col. sections on same sheet), bibl. - Bound with: ROUAntikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOU = Original-UmschlagBAULT, M. Contribution à l'étude géologique du bord des Pyrénées au Nord de la Bellongue (Pyrénées de la Haute-Garonne et de l'Ariège). [Bull. Serv. Carte Géol. France, 172.] Paris 1928. Pp. 38,[12], 1 fold. col. geol. map, 2 photogr. views and 15 microphotos of rock samples on 4 heliogravure pls. - And: VIENNOT, P. Première contribution à la connaissance des extrusions pyrénéennes. [Bull. Serv. Carte Géol. France, 171.] Paris 1928. Pp. 51,[13], 4 maps, 17 figs. - Three works bound in one volume, contemp. quarter morocco; map sheet of first work in separate leather-backed boards slipcase. Fine, and complete with the large map which is often missing.
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Aquila Antiquariaat / Aquila Natural History Books, NL-7242HG Lochem |