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Wagner, C.M., & Schilling, K.H., 1923.:
The San Lorenzo Group of the San Emigdio region, California.
Univ. California Publ. Bull. Geol. Sci., 14(6):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 235-278, 30 photos of molluscs on 6 pls., 1 map, 1 photogr. pl. (view with transparent explanat. overlay drawing), refs. Large 8vo. Plain new wrs. Faint waterstain in upper blank margin, good otherwise. - Eocene.

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Ryan, M.P., & Blevins, J.Y.K., 1987.:
The viscosity of synthetic and natural silicate melts and glasses at high temperatures and 1 Bar pressure and at higher pressures. An extended compilation of viscosity data in tabular and graphic form. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull.., 1764.]

EUR 75,00
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VAMBÉRY, Arminius:
Western culture in Eastern lands. A comparison of the methods adopted by England and Russia in the Middle East.

EUR 75,00
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Lea, I., et al., 1860.:
Check lists of the shells of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution.

EUR 15,00
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Dearnley, R., 1963.:
The Lewisian complex of the metamorphosed basic intrusions of the Outer Hebrides, Scotland.

EUR 15,00
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