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Ward, L.F., 1900.:
Status of the Mesozoic floras of the United States. First paper: The Older Mesozoic. With the collaboration of Wm.N. Fontaine, A. Wanner, and F.H. Knowlton.
Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., 20(2):

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 211-748, numerous figs. on 159 pls. 4to. New cloth. [WITH:] Second paper. With the collaboration of Wm.M. Fontaine, A. Bibbins and G.R. Wieland. [Monogr. U.S. Geol. Surv., 48.] Washington. 4to. Vol. 1 (text): pp. 616, 11 figs., index; vol. 2 (atlas): pp. vi,[238], numerous illus. on 118 pls., 1 double-page col.map. Orig. cloth. re-cased in bindings, new endpapers, covers a little marked, contents very good.

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Osgood, W.H., 1900.:
Revision of the pocket mice of the genus Perogntahus. {North Amer. Fauna, 18.]

EUR 12,50
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Saito, K., 1936.:
Older Cambrian brachiopods, gastropods, etc. from North-western Kora.

EUR 10,00
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Higley, R., 1918.:
Morphology and of some Turbellaria from the Mississippi basin.

EUR 14,00
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Sainte-Claire Deville, Charles Joseph (1814-1876).:
Observations sur le tremblement de terre éprouvé à la Guadeloupe le 8 février 18943. (Extrait du Voyage géologique aux Antilles.)

EUR 75,00
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