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WATERHOUSE, Charles Owen (1843-1917).:
Aid to the identification of Insects. Lithographs by Edwin Wilson. Parts 1 through 11.
London: E.W. Janson, [1880-1882].

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 20.7cm. 11 installments containing 91 finely hand-coloured lithographed plates. Orig. printed wrappers, side-stiched. Front cover of first installment in photocopy, stitching of 3 installments loose, first plate with some edge wear, all other plates very good. - Very rare. Forming the nearly complete run of plates of exotic insects of the first volume of 100 plates, here without the short preface and 15 pages of index. The complete work of 189 plates in two volumes appeared between 1880 and 1890. Each plate shows the detailed drawing with meticulous hand-colouring of one insect specimen (including many coleoptera), the caption of each consists of its Latin name, the reference to its original description and the name of the country of origin.The author/compiler was an assistant keeper at the British Museum (Natural History) and specialized in Coleoptera.

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BUIJS, Peter (1827-1899).:
Hoe men gelukkig wordt. Zedelijke verhalen.

EUR 45,00
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RACHMANOWA, Alexandra.:
Studenten, Liebe, Tscheka und Tod. Tagebuch heiner russischen Studentin.

EUR 25,00
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M.C. Escher. Caleidocycli - kalós (mooi) + eídos (figuur) + kyklos (ring). [Vertaling Auke Leistra.]

EUR 20,00
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Main, B.Y., 1985.:
Further studies in the systematics of ctenizid trapdoor spiders: a review of the Australian genera (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Ctenizidae). [Austral. Jour. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 108.]

EUR 16,00
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