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WEAVER, Charles S.:
Paleontology of the marine Tertiary formations Oregon and Washington. [Univ. Washington Publ. Geol., 5.]
Seattle, Wa.: University of Washington Press, 1942.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Large 8vo, 24.8cm. Pp. xiv,789, 1719 excellent photos (nearly all of molluscs) on 104 plates, 1 fold. diagr., tables, bibliogr., taxonomic index. Hardbound, buckram cloth gilt. Excellent copy without flaws. - With ex-libris of "University of London Library".

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OSWALD, Felix, 1914.:
The Miocene beds of the Victoria Nyanza and the geology of the country between the Lake and the Kishi Highlands.

EUR 25,00
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Reichling, H., 1932.:
Beiträge zur Ornis Westfalens und des Emslandes.

EUR 15,00
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KUIPERS, Marietje E.:
In de Indische wateren. Anske Hielke Kuipers, Gezaghebber bij de Gouvernementsmarine 1833-1902. [Werken Linschoten-Vereniging XCVIII.]

EUR 22,50
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Tchernov, E., 1968.:
Succession of rodent faunas during the Upper Pleistocene of Israel. [Mammalia depica.]

EUR 35,00
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