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Wheeler, A., & Price, J.H. (editors).:
History in the Service of Systematics. Papers from the Conference to celebrate the Centenary of the British Museum (Natural History), 18-16 April, 1981. [Spec. Publ. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist., 1.]
London 1981.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 24.5cm. Pp. vi,164, refs. Orig. printed wrappers. Very good. - Contains 21 papers.

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Perilliat, M. del C., 1987.:
Gasterópodos y un cefalopodo de la Formacion Ferrotepec (Mioceno Medio) de Michoacan. [Paleont. Mexic., 52.]

EUR 13,50
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Case, E.C., 1929.:
Description of a nearly complete skeleton of Ostodolepis brevispinatus Williston.

EUR 6,00
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Reed, F.R.C., 1931.:
New fossils from the Productus Limestones of the Salt Range, with notes on other species. [Mem. Geol. Surv. India / Palaeont. Indica, N.S., XVIII.]

EUR 60,00
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QUARITCH, Bernard.:
LOT of 40 antiquarian bookseller's catalogues on Natural History (Zoology, Botany, Entomology).

EUR 90,00
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