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WILLSHIRE, William Hughes.:
A descriptive catalogue of playing and other cards in The British Museum, accompanied by a concise general history of the subject and remarks on cards of divination and of a politico-historical character.
Amsterdam: S. Emmering, 1975.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 24cm. Pp. x,360,viii,87, frontisp., 23 plates (incl. 7 coloured), bibliogr., indices. Orig. green cloth with gilt backstrip lettering in dustjacket. Fine copy, as new. - Facsimile reprint of the original edition (London 1877) including the supplement, with a new short preface by Sylvia Mann.

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Felix, Ch.J., & Burbridge, P.P., 1967.:
Palynology of the Springer Formation of Southern Oklahoma, U.S.A.

EUR 20,00
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Earth movements and organic evolution. [International Geological Congress. Report of the 18th Session, Great Britain 1948. Part XII. Proceedings of Section L.]

EUR 9,00
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DELPEY, G. (et al.), 1940.:
Etudes paléontologiques. [Haut-Comm. Rép. Franç. en Syrie et au Liban, Sect. d'Et. Géol., Not. & Mém., III.]

EUR 90,00
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Derin, M., & Reiss, Z., 1966.:
Jurassic microfacies of Israel.

EUR 16,00
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