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YCIAR, Juan de.:
A facsimile of the 1550 edition of Arte Subtilissima with a translation by Evelyn Shuckenburgh and an introduction by Reynolds Stone.
London: Oxford University Press, 1960.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 21.5cm. Pp. ix,[3],60, [187] pp. of illustr. facsimile. Orig. burgundy buckram cloth, gilt lettering to backstrip, in dust-jacket. Rubbing and edge fraying (mended on verso with archival tape) to jacket, fine otherwise. - Spanish classic of 1550 on writing and calligraphy: "The Subtle Art of Teaching a Perfect Hand". The original of this translation and facsimile was published in 1958 in a limited edition of 200 copies by the Lion and Unicorn Press at the Royal College of Art, ,London. [GK]

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Bianchi, Angelo, & Dal Piaz, Giambattista.:
Atlante geologico-petrografico dell'Adamello meridionale, regione fra Lo Stabio ed il Caffaro. (Studi geologo-petrografici sul Massiccio dell'Adamello.)

EUR 45,00
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IJspeert, C., 1942.:
Monographie der miozänen taxodonten Bivalven aus dem Peelgebiete (Die Niederlande). [Meded. Geol. Sticht., Ser. C, 4(1).]

EUR 12,00
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Collias, N.A., & Collias, E.C., 1964.:
Evolution of nest-building in the Weaverbirds (Ploceidae). [Univ. Californisa Publ. Zool., 73.]

EUR 20,00
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D.H. Lawrence. [Minority Pamphlet No. 6.]

EUR 15,00
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