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Abruna, Héctor (Ed.):
Electrochemical interfaces: Modern techniques for in-situ interface characterization.
New York, VCH Pub., 1991.
ISBN/EAN: 9780895737151

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Chemie

589 S., with numerous figures, Hardcover.

As library copy in very good condition.

[SW: Chemistry Electronics]
Chemistry, Electronics
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
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Ware, George W.:  Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Continuation of Residue Reviews. [Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 110].
Ware, George W.:
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Continuation of Residue Reviews. [Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 110].

EUR 18,60
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Fischer, Ferd.:
Kraftgas. Seine Herstellung und Beurteilung.

EUR 14,30
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Galliard, T. and E. Ian Mercer (Edts.):
Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant Lipids. Proceedings of a Symposium arranged by the phytochemical Society and the Lipid Group of the Biochemical Society, Univers. of East Anglia, Norwich April, 1974.

EUR 12,70
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Gmelin-Institut für Anorg. Chemie u. Grenzgebiete in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung d. Wissensch. (Hg.):  Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry. System Number 7: Br Bromine. Supplement Volume B 3: Compounds with Fluorine and Chlorine.
Gmelin-Institut für Anorg. Chemie u. Grenzgebiete in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung d. Wissensch. (Hg.):
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry. System Number 7: Br Bromine. Supplement Volume B 3: Compounds with Fluorine and Chlorine.

EUR 37,70
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EUR 26,50
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Antiquariat Thomas Haker GmbH & Co. KG, DE-10439 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
