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Charikar, Moses a. o. (Edts.):
Approximation, randomization, and combinatorial optimization. Algorithms and Techniques. 10th international workshop and 11th international workshop ; proceedings. APPROX 2007, RANDOM 2007, Princeton, NJ, USA, August 20 - 22, 2007. (=Lecture notes in computer science ; Vol. 4627).
Berlin, Springer, 2007.
ISBN/EAN: 9783540742074

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Informatik, Hardware, Software

XII, 626 S.; Ill. Paperback

Like new. Shrink wrapped.

[SW: Kombinatorik, Approximationsalgorithmus ; Randomisierung ; Mathematik, Informatik]
Kombinatorik, Approximationsalgorithmus, Randomisierung, Mathematik, Informatik
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 4 Werktage
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Rosenthal, Hanaan:
AppleScript : The Comprehensive Guide to Scripting and Automation on Mac OS X.

EUR 12,00
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Salomaa, Arto:
Public key cryptography. Texts in theoretical computer science.

EUR 12,00
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Marshall, Kimball:
Government Policy and Program Impacts on Technology Development, Transfer and Commercialization. International Perspectives. [Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, Vol. 13].

EUR 18,00
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Kruschwitz, Udo:
Intelligent Document Retrieval: Exploiting Markup Structure. [The Information Retrieval Series, Vol. 17].

EUR 9,60
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EUR 12,50
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