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Goodblatt, David, Avital Pinnick and Daniel R. Schwartz (Edts.):
Historical Perspectives: From the Hasmoneans to Bar Kokhba in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium of the Orion Center, 27-31 January 1999. (=Texts of the Desert of Judah, 37).
Brill Academic Publ., 2001.
ISBN/EAN: 9789004120075

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Judaica

201 S.; Ill. Hardcover with dust jacket

Like new. Shrink wrapped.

[SW: Judentum, Qumrantexte, Geschichte]
Judentum, Qumrantexte, Geschichte
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Bergmann, Werner u. a. (Hg.):  The Herbert A. Strauss Memorial Seminar at the Leo Baeck Institute New York, March 29, 2006.
Bergmann, Werner u. a. (Hg.):
The Herbert A. Strauss Memorial Seminar at the Leo Baeck Institute New York, March 29, 2006.

EUR 4,80
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Bender, Sara, Amos Goldberg and Sharon Kangisser-Cohen (Eds.):
DAPIM - Studies on the Shoah: Journal of the David and Fela Shapell Family Foundation, Volume 24.

EUR 14,70
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Avery-Peck, Alan J. and Jacob Neusner:
Judaism in Late Antiquity, Part 3, Volume 4: Where we Stand: Issues and Debates in Ancient Judaism - The Special Problem of the Synagogue. (= HdO, HANDBOOK OF ORIENTAL STUDIES).

EUR 24,40
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Murtonen, O:
Hebrew in Its West Semitic Setting. A Comparative Survey of Non-Masoretic Hebrew Dialects and Traditions. Part 1: A Comparative Lexicon: Volume 2 ... Languages and Linguistics, 13.

EUR 63,20
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