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Hopkirk, Peter:
The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia.
London, John Murray Publishers Ltd, 1990.
ISBN/EAN: 9780719547270

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Bücher

Einband sauber, etwas lagerspurig, etwas bestoßen, Seiten sauber, ohne Einträge, papierbedingt etwas gedunkelt, Peter Hopkirk travelled widely in the regions where his six books are set: Central Asia, the Caucasus, China, Russia, India and Pakistan, Iran, and Eastern Turkey. He worked as an ITN reporter, the New York correspondent of the old Daily Express, and - for twenty years - on The Times. No stranger to misadventure, he was twice held in secret police cells and has was also hijacked by Arab terrorists. His works have been translated into many languages. All six of his books are available from John Murray

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Crosby, David H. (Ed.) and George C. (Ed.) Schoolfield:
Studies in the German drama. A Festschrift in honor of Walter Silz.

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Antiquariat Bäßler, DE-92648 Vohenstrauß
