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Glogowski, Erhard und Manfred Münch.
Wirtschafts- und Währungsbegriffe praxisnah erklärt : ausgew. volkswirtschaftl. Grundbegriffe, Formeln u. Kennzahlen. DG-Bank-Wirtschaftsstudien
Wiesbaden : Deutscher Genossenschafts-Verlag, 1984.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: 789 wirtschaft Sonstiges

188 Seiten : graph. Darst. 24 cm, Softcover

Einband leicht beschmutzt. Sonst nur leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Gut.

[SW: sonstiges wirtschaft,]
sonstiges, wirtschaft
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,25
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Sabri, Ehap H. and Salim N. Shaikh.  Lean and agile value chain management a guide to the next level of improvement
Sabri, Ehap H. and Salim N. Shaikh.
Lean and agile value chain management a guide to the next level of improvement

EUR 52,00
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Kotera, Akira, Ichiro Araki and Tsuyoshi Kawase.  The Future of the Multilateral Trading System East Asian Perspectives
Kotera, Akira, Ichiro Araki and Tsuyoshi Kawase.
The Future of the Multilateral Trading System East Asian Perspectives

EUR 76,00
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Jiang, Xiaoping.  Why Interculturalisation? A Response to the Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Global Knowledge Economy. Educational Futures Rethinking Theory and Practice Vol. 28
Jiang, Xiaoping.
Why Interculturalisation? A Response to the Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Global Knowledge Economy. Educational Futures Rethinking Theory and Practice Vol. 28

EUR 56,00
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Quilter, Michael.  Company Law Perspectives Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance Faculty of Business and Economics Macquarie University.
Quilter, Michael.
Company Law Perspectives Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance Faculty of Business and Economics Macquarie University.

EUR 59,00
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EUR 7,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,25
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Baues Verlag, DE-28199 Bremen
