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Victor, Walther
Kehre wieder über die Berge., Eine Autobiographie.,
1982 Aufbau, Berlin 1982,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Oln, Ou.,463s., in gutem Zustand, [HSA11,6b]

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CANITROT, Y., Lautier, D., Lahmy, S., Vigo, J., Viallet, P., Salmon, J. M.,
Nile red labeling of single living cells for contour delineation to quantify and evaluate the distribution of rhodamine 123 with fluorescence image cytometry

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Mollard, G., Josef Pichard & L.Salavin (Eds.)
L art sacre. Revue mensuelle., 7-8 1954,.,

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Schneider, Wilhelm
Deutsche Kunstprosa. Übungen des Sprach-und Stilgefühls an Prosastücken aus dem 19. Jahrhundert.,

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BISHOP, G. A., An analysis of HRP-filled basked cell axons in the cat s cerebellum. I.Morphometry and configuration. Anat. E,mbryol. 188, 287-297 (1993)., Obr., WES70].., //BISHOP, G. A., King, J. S., Reticulo-olivary circuits. An intracellular HRP study in the rat. Brain Res. 371, 133-145 (1986)., Obr., [WES70]..,// BISHOP, G. A., The origin of the reticulo-olivary projection in the rat. A retrograde HRP study-., Neuroscience 11. 487-496 (1984). , Obr., [WES58].,.,// BISHOP, G. A., King, J. S., Intracellular staining of neurons in the central nervous system. Combined phsiological, morphological, and cytological analysis of identified neurons., In Correlative microscoipy in Biology. Intrumentation and methods., Acad Press, New York 1987, pp. 121-142 , Obr-.,. Unterstr. [WES58]..,

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