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Meng, Koh Khee and Tay Eng Guan:
Counting. Supplementary Notes and Solutions Manual.
World Scientific, 2006.
ISBN/EAN: 9789812569158

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik

208 S.; Ill. Paperback

Like new. Shrink wrapped.

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Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Wahrscheinlichkeit. Hochschulbücher für Mathematik, Bd. 91.

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Extremal methods and systems analysis. An Internat. Symposium on the Occasion of Professor Abraham Charnes` Sixtieth Birthday, Austin, Texas, September 13 - 15, 1977. Ed. by A. V. Fiacco and K. O. Kortanek, Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems ; Vol. 174

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Torrieri, Don:
Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems.

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