Weiss, Joachim C. Das ganz persönliche Tageshoroskop 1999, Schütze 23.November – 20.Dezember., 1998 Heyne, München 1998.,
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EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | OLAVARRIA, J. F. OLAVARRIA, J.,, Van Sluyters, R. C. Axons from restricted regions of the cortex pass through restricted portions of the corpus callosum in adult and neonatal rats. Developm. Brain Res. 25, 309-313 (1986, Obr., [SD30].) / / OLAVARRIA, J.,, Van Sluyters, R. C. Organization and postnatal development of callsoal connections in the visual cortex of the Rat. J. Comp. Neurol. 239, 1-26 (1985), Obr., [WES37]. // LEWIS, J. W-, Olavarria, J. F., Two rules for callosal connectivity in striate cortex of the rat. J-. Comp. Neurol. 361, 119-137 (1995)., Obr., [SDG30] // OLAVARRIA, J., Bravo, H., Ruiz, G. The pattern of callosal connections in posterior neocortex of congenitally anophthalmic rats. Anat. Embryol. 178, 155-159 (1978), Obr., [WES37]. , // OLAVARRIA, J., Malach, R., Van Sluyters, R. C. Development of visual callosal connections in neonatally enucleated rats. J. Comp. neurol. 260, 321-33008 (1987), Obr., [WES37], / OLAVARRIA, J., Serra-Oller, M. M., Yee, K. T., Van Sluyters, R. C. Topography of interhemispheric connections in neocortex of mice with congenital deficiencies of the callosal commissure. J. Comp. Neurol. 270, 575-590 (1988), Obr., [WES37]. / // OLAVARRIA, J. F., Van Sluyters, R. C., Overall pattern of callosal connections in visual cortex of normal and enucleated cats. J. Comp. Neurol. 363, 161-176 (1995)., Obr., [WES62].-., //
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