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Martin, John (Illustr.)
The Conflict Between Satan and Death designed & engraved by J. Martin 1824
Publ. Septimus Prowet 1827 London sheet / Blatt Gr.18,4 x 27 cm

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunstgeschichte

image 14,4 x 20,5 cm 1 Bl. S. orig. mezzotint. Radierung (guter Zustand) Originalgraphik John Martin (1789 - 1854) the engravings were commissioned in 1824 by the publisher Septimus Prowett, and sold to subscribers in stages between 1825 and 1827. Twenty-four of them were then printed, alongside the poem, in a large two-volume edition of 1827, designed directly on the plates without the aid of preparatory sketches, they were some of the earliest mezzotints to have been made using soft steel rather than copper, and they were the first illustrations of Milton's epic work to have been made in the mezzotint medium

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Johann Peter Hebel Antiquariat Inh. R. Pfeiffer Lörracher Str. 3 D- 79541 Lörrach - Brombach Tel.: (0049) 07621 82099 www.jpha.de info@jpha.de ----------------------------------------------- Johann Peter Hebel Antiquariat Inh. R. Pfeiffer
Buch Bestellungen an : j.p.hebel.antiquariat@gmail.com
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Zünd, Robert
Handzeichnungen , von Robert Zünd ( 1827 - 1909 )

EUR 24,00
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Hofstätter, Dietmar (Hrsg.)
Emil Lugo 1840 - 1902 Ausstellung zum 75. Todestag ,

EUR 10,00
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van Velde, Bram
bram van velde , von Jacques Putman und Charles Juilet

EUR 120,00
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Kollwitz, Käthe
Käthe Kollwitz,

EUR 38,00
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EUR 400,00
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Johann Peter Hebel Antiquariat, DE-79541 Lörrach - Brombach
