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Chow, Pao-Liu, Boris S. Mordukhovich and G. George Yin (Edts.):
Topics in Stochastic Analysis and Nonparametric Estimation. (=The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications; Vol. 145).
Springer, 2007.
ISBN/EAN: 9780387751108

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik

226 S.; Ill. Hardcover

Like new. Shrink wrapped.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Klima, Richard E., Ernest Stitzinger and Neil Sigmon:
Applications of Abstract Algebra with Maple. (=Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications).

EUR 13,70
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Numerical modeling in materials science and engineering. (= Springer series in computational mathematics ; 32).

EUR 11,00
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Lindner, Marko:
Infinite Matrices and their Finite Sections. An Introduction to the Limit Operator Method. [Frontiers in Mathematics].

EUR 21,00
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Cazenave, Thierry and David Costa:
Contributions to nonlinear analysis : a tribute to D. G. de Figueiredo on the occasion of his 70th birthday. (=Progress in non-linear differential equations and their applications ; Vol. 66).

EUR 21,10
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