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Foundations of Nuclear Physics. Facsimiles of thirteen Fundamental Studies as they were originally reported in the Scientific Journals. With a Bibliography compiled by Robert T. Beyer.
New York, Dover Publications, Inc., 1949.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik-Atomphysik

272 S.; Ill. + Tables. Paperback

Good condition. Note of ownership. Brownish cover.

[SW: Nuklearphysik]
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Ploog, Klaus H. and Leander Tapfer:  Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Quantum Devices. Proceedings of the International School Held in Mesagne (Brindisi), Italy, 21-26 September 1992. [Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 419].
Ploog, Klaus H. and Leander Tapfer:
Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Quantum Devices. Proceedings of the International School Held in Mesagne (Brindisi), Italy, 21-26 September 1992. [Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 419].

EUR 51,80
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Flaska, M.:
A Compact Fast-neutron Producing Target for High Resolution Cross Section Measurements.

EUR 13,00
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Thouless, D. J.:
The Quantum Mechanics of Many-Body Systems. (=Pure and Applied Physics; Vol. 11).

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Marion, J. b. / Young, F. C.
Nuclear Reaction Analysis. Graphs and Tables.

EUR 14,80
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