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EUR 4,00 Details zum Buch... | Höfer, Hans (Ed.) APA Guides Reisebuch Europa special.,
EUR 6,00 Details zum Buch... | CHILDS, G. V. CHILDS, G. V., Unabia, G., Tibolt, R., How the fixation-embedding protocol affects the specifity and efficiency of immunocytochemical stains for gonadotropin subunits. Amer . J. Anat. 174, 409-417 (1985)., Obr., [SD78].., // CHILDS, G. V., Unabia, G., Ellison, D., Immunocytochemical studies of pituitary hormones with PAP, ABC, and immunogold techniquzes. Evolution of technology to best fit the antigen. J., Anat., 175, 307-330 (1986)., Obr., [SD78]..// CHILDS, G. V., The use of multiple methods to validate immunocytochemical stains. J. Hictochem.Cytochem. 31, 168-176 (1983)., Orb., [ SD41]./ CHILDS, G. V., Ellison, D. G., Ramaley, J. A., Storage of anterior lobe adrenocorticotropin in corticotropes and a subpopulation of gonadotropes during the stress-neonresponsive period in the neonatal male rat., Emndocrinology 110, 1676-1692 (1982)., Obr., [WES102]..,//
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