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Miguel, Adria et al.:
100 Architects 10 Critics Andria, Miquel, Kurt Foster, Davina Jackson et al ISBN 10: 0714844411ISBN 13: 9780714844411
Verlag: Phaidon London, 2005.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Architektur / Städtebau / Architekturgeschichte / Bauwesen

Nur der Umschlagrücken etwas lichtgebräunt, sonst aber FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. Comprehensive overview of new architecture today. This generously illustrated volume presents 100 of the world`s most exceptional emerging architects, selected by 10 internationally prominent critics, architects, and curators. Arranged alphabetically by architect, the book features more than 1,500 illustrations and approximately 250 buildings and projects of the past five years, including recently built work as well as competition entries, theoretical projects, and works under construction. The result is an up-to-the-minute collection representing the best of both global and regional architecture tendencies around the world. Each critic has contributed an essay written exclusively for this publication and has selected 10 cultural references from varying genres and media to illustrate the context in which architects operate today. The book includes biographies of all architects and critics. 30 x 30cm, 463 pages,, black and white and colour illustrations , hardcover in glassine wrap

Nur der Umschlagrücken etwas lichtgebräunt, sonst aber FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. Comprehensive overview of new architecture today. This generously illustrated volume presents 100 of the world`s most exceptional emerging architects, selected by 10 internationally prominent critics, architects, and curators. Arranged alphabetically by architect, the book features more than 1,500 illustrations and approximately 250 buildings and projects of the past five years, including recently built work as well as competition entries, theoretical projects, and works under construction. The result is an up-to-the-minute collection representing the best of both global and regional architecture tendencies around the world. Each critic has contributed an essay written exclusively for this publication and has selected 10 cultural references from varying genres and media to illustrate the context in which architects operate today. The book includes biographies of all architects and critics.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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