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Iachello, F. and P. van Isacker:
Interacting Boson Fermion Model (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) F. Iachello (Yale University, Connecticut)
Cambridge University Press, 2001.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

VERY FRESH copy. The interacting boson-fermion model has become in recent years the standard model for the description of atomic nuclei with an odd number of protons and/or neutrons. This book describes the mathematical framework on which the interacting boson-fermion model is built and presents applications to a variety of situations encountered in nuclei. The book addresses both the analytical and the numerical aspects of the problem. The analytical aspect requires the introduction of rather complex group theoretic methods, including the use of graded (or super) Lie algebras. The first (and so far only) example of supersymmetry occurring in nature is also discussed. Originalpappband. 23 cm X, 312 Seiten. Index. Transferred to digital printing.

VERY FRESH copy. The interacting boson-fermion model has become in recent years the standard model for the description of atomic nuclei with an odd number of protons and/or neutrons. This book describes the mathematical framework on which the interacting boson-fermion model is built and presents applications to a variety of situations encountered in nuclei. The book addresses both the analytical and the numerical aspects of the problem. The analytical aspect requires the introduction of rather complex group theoretic methods, including the use of graded (or super) Lie algebras. The first (and so far only) example of supersymmetry occurring in nature is also discussed.

[SW: Modell]
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,50
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Oswatitsch, Klaus and Gustav Kuerti:
Gas Dynamics. English Version by Gustav Kuerti. (= Applied Mathematics and Mechanics).

EUR 45,00
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Kundt, Wolfgang:  Astrophysics: A New Approach .
Kundt, Wolfgang:
Astrophysics: A New Approach .

EUR 48,00
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Mersmann, Alfons:

EUR 15,00
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Planck, Max:  The theory of heat radiation.
Planck, Max:
The theory of heat radiation.

EUR 16,00
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EUR 49,50
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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