B. K. Chakraverty and Kaplan, D. (Eds.): Journal De Physique; Tome 42; Part I: Proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors, Grenoble, France, July 2nd-8th, 1981. Paris, Les Editions de Physique,, 1981. ISBN/EAN: 9782902731299
gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik
620 p., with figures, Cloth. Good condition. Cover slightly used.[SW: Physics] Physics
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Zawadzki, W. (Ed.): Narrow Gap Semiconductors Physics and Applications. Proceedings of the Internat. Summer School, held in Nimes, France, September, 3 - 15, 1979. (=Lecture Notes in Physics ; Vol. 133).
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