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Castro, Eduardo A. and Pablo R. Duchowicz:
The Order Theory in QSPR - QSAR Studies.
University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science Kragujevac, 2008.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Wissenschaft

Buch in guter Erhaltung, Einband sauber, gering lagerspurig, Seiten hell und sauber, außer Namenseintrag auf Vorsatzblatt ohne Einträge, A great amount of information on Ranking Methods exists in the literature. This is a new appealing methodology that is generally dealt in a mathematical fashion, by wich its predictive capability is anhanced. Ranking Methods can be applied to a wide range of scientific fields, such as Decision Support, Toxicology, Environmental Research, Proteomics and Genomics, Analytical Chemistry, Food Chemistry, QSPR-QSAR, etc. The scope of present monograph is to explore Partial Order Ranking ideas and to provide the non-specialist reader with insights to the formalism, with special emphasis on QSPR-QSAR studies. During the last couple of years, Partial Order Theory has been used as a new tool in QSPR-QSAR studies besides the well-established conventional statistical methods. Therefore, it seems appropriate to review the state-of-art in this developing field. Several concepts are explained in this monograph, revising the research developed by different experts in the topic with certain degree of details, and also including ilustrative application examples in order to better understand and provide insight of the methodology employed.

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