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Blumenfeld, I. (editor):
Pessach-Buch 5706 - 1946: Zum Ersten Befreiungs- und Frühlingsfest der Überreste Israels in Europa
Marburg, Jüdische Rundschau, 1946.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Judaica / Antisemitismus

Nur der Umschlag mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, sonst SEHR gutes Exemplar. SELTEN. - MIt Beiträgen von Agnon, Bialik, Max Brod, Martin Buber, Perez, Felix Salten, Thieberger, Yahuda u.a. - FROM A COLLEGUE, who is WRITING: A book about Passover, for the first Pesach Holiday of "She`erit HaPleita," the surviving remnant, in Germany after the Holocaust. A collection of essays and stories accompanied by facsimiles and musical notes. The publisher indicates that the book is "By and for liberated Jews in Germany." By Hans Kaiser. " The book is not intended to make a contribution to the history of the origins of the most important festival in the country, but rather its concern is very current, one might almost say existential. The book was published as a âfirst-time Celebration and Spring Festival of the Remnants of Israel in Europe.` It is a collection of contributions by Jewish scholars, philosophers and poets to the understanding of Jewish Passover celebrations. It should be clear that the remnants of Israel, having barely woken up from the terrible night, needed a groundbreaking word during this terrible decade of their history, and even had a right to one" (Hans Kaiser, in his review of the book in the first issue of the post-war German journal, "Die Welt des Orients" in 1947). The US Holocaust Museum keeps their copy in their Rare Books collection. Originalhalbleinen mit Originalumschlag 20 cm 255 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen Schwarz-Weiß- Abbildungen. ERSTAUSGABE.

Nur der Umschlag mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, sonst SEHR gutes Exemplar. SELTEN. - MIt Beiträgen von Agnon, Bialik, Max Brod, Martin Buber, Perez, Felix Salten, Thieberger, Yahuda u.a. - FROM A COLLEGUE, who is WRITING: A book about Passover, for the first Pesach Holiday of "She`erit HaPleita," the surviving remnant, in Germany after the Holocaust. A collection of essays and stories accompanied by facsimiles and musical notes. The publisher indicates that the book is "By and for liberated Jews in Germany." By Hans Kaiser. " The book is not intended to make a contribution to the history of the origins of the most important festival in the country, but rather its concern is very current, one might almost say existential. The book was published as a âfirst-time Celebration and Spring Festival of the Remnants of Israel in Europe.` It is a collection of contributions by Jewish scholars, philosophers and poets to the understanding of Jewish Passover celebrations. It should be clear that the remnants of Israel, having barely woken up from the terrible night, needed a groundbreaking word during this terrible decade of their history, and even had a right to one" (Hans Kaiser, in his review of the book in the first issue of the post-war German journal, "Die Welt des Orients" in 1947). The US Holocaust Museum keeps their copy in their Rare Books collection.

[SW: Befreiung, Befreiungsfest, Juden, Judentum, Nachkrieg, Drittes Reich, Nationalsozialismus, Holocaust Überlebende Nachkrieg]
Befreiung, Befreiungsfest, Juden, Judentum, Nachkrieg, Drittes, Reich, Nationalsozialismus, Holocaust, Überlebende, Nachkrieg
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