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Christie's Fine Globes and Planetaria, Tuesday 5 November 2002.
London: Christie's, 2002.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 26.2cm. Pp. 140, numerous colour photos, index of globes, index, bibliography. Hardbound, pictorial boards. Fine. - Auction sale catalogue listing 36 exceptional and rare globes with textensive and documented descriptions. With 3 interspersed essays: "History of globe making: a brief interview (pp. 9-23), "The symbolism of the globe" (pp. 65-73) and "The mapping of Mars" (pp. 116-117).

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Schuchert, C., & LeVene, C.M. 1928 (1971).:
Brachiopoda. Generum et genotyporum index et bibliographia. [Fossilium Catalogus. I: Animalia, 42.]

EUR 19,00
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Maillieux, E., 1935.:
Contribution à la connaissance de quelques Brachiopodes at Pélécypodes dévoniens. [Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat., Belg., 70.]

EUR 12,50
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Van Oye, P., 1960.:
De plantkunde aan de Universiteit te Gent vóór de benoeming van J. Mac Leod tot Professor in de Botanie. [Meded. Kon. Vlaam. Akad. Wet., Kl. Wet., 22(6).]

EUR 10,00
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SCHATBORN, Peter, & SZENASSY, Astvan.:
Iconographie du Notariat. Documentation de la Fondation pour le Progrès de la Science Notariale. Avec une introduction du Professeur Adriaan Pitlo.

EUR 20,00
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EUR 25,00
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