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Asano, K., 1962.:
Tertiary Globigerinids from Kuyshu, Japan. / Takayanagi, Y. & Saito, T. Planktonic foraminifera from the Nobori Formation [Neogene], Shikoku, Japan.
Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., Ser. 2, Spec. Vol., 5:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 49-65;67-106, many photos on 10 plates, 2 figs.,r efs. Plain new wrappers.

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Van den Broeck, E., 1883-1885.:
Mélanges géologiques & paléontologiques. Fascicule I & II.

EUR 15,00
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Kornicker, L.S., & Caraion, F.E., 1980.:
Nealella, a new genus of myodocopid Ostracoda (Sarsiellidae: Dantyinae). [Smithson. Contr. Zool., 309.]

EUR 8,00
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Turner, H., 1980.:
Henry Wellcome: the man, his collection and his legacy..

EUR 7,50
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VAUGHAN, Thomas Wayland, 1910.:
A contribution to the geologic history of the Floridian Plateau.

EUR 35,00
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