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Christodoulou, G., 1960.:
Geologische und mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen auf der Insel Karpathos (Dodekanes).
Palaeontogr., 115:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 1-143, numerous photos on 16 plates, 23 illustr. in text and on 4 plates in text, bibliogr. 4to. Plain new wrappers. Fine.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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DALEN, J.L. van.:
De Groote Kerk (Onze Lieve Vrouwenkerk) te Dordrecht.

EUR 45,00
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BUCCIANTI, A., NARDI, ,G., & POTENZA, R. (editors).:
Proceedings of IAMG '98. The Fourth Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology

EUR 150,00
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VERMEIJ, Rienk.:
The Calvinist Copernicans. The receiption of the new astronomy in the Dutch Republic, 1575-1750. [History of Science and Scholarship in the Netherlands. Volume I.]

EUR 75,00
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Braun-Blanquet, J., 1970.:
Zur Kenntnis der inneralpinen Ackergesellschaften.

EUR 4,00
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EUR 60,00
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