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COUES, Elliott (1842-1899).:
An account of the various publications relating to the travels of Lewis and Clark, with commentary on the zoological results of their expeditions.
[Extracted from: Bulletin of the U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 2nd Series no. 6.] [Washington 1874.]

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 25.2cm. Pp. 417-444. Old plain wrappers with manuscript title in a beautiful hand written in upper margin of first page and abbreviated on an additional affixed label. With tipped-in printed compliment slip of F.V. Hayden.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Brückmann, Friedrich Ernst:
Epistola itineraria XXVIII. De lapide hystricino malcano. [...] Acced. [...] R.A. Behrens [...] Experimenta cum lapide porcino instituta, sub forma epistolae ad autorem.

EUR 90,00
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Rathbun, M.J., 1910.:
Brachuyra. (The Danish Expedition to Siam 1899-1900. V.) [Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Skrift., 7. R., Nat. Afd., 5(4).]

EUR 16,00
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Pavlova, E.E., 1969.:
Razvitie brakhiopod semeistva Reticulariidae. [Trudy Paleont. Inst., 120.]

EUR 30,00
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NAGEL, Willibald A.:
Der Lichtsinn augenloser Tiere. Eine biologische Studie.

EUR 15,00
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EUR 45,00
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