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HARRISON, E.L., et al.:
Scottish Woollens.
Elgin, Moray: Johnstons of Elgin, 2016.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 24cm. Pp. xiv,279, 16 colour illustrations, 11 black & white plates, several other illustr. from old originals,, index. Hardbound, boards with pictorial dust-jacket. Fine, like new. - Reprint of the first edition of 1954. Consists of a series of 42 contributions mostly by E.S. Harrison, issued as newsletters of the National Association of Scottish Woollen Manufacturers between 1931 and 1956.

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Gross, W., 1973.:
Kleinschuppen, Flossenstacheln und Zähne von Fischen aud europäischen und nordamerikanischen Bodebeds des Devons.

EUR 40,00
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Paganelli, L., & Tiburtini, R., 1964.:
The Predazzo granite, North Italy.

EUR 7,50
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Perilliat Montoya, M. del C., 1963.:
Moluscos del Terciario inferiór del noreste de México. [Paleont. Mexic., 19.]

EUR 12,50
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Jefferies, R.P.S., & Prokop, R.J., 1972.:
A new chalcichordate from the Ordovician of Bohemia and its anatomy, adaptationsm and relationships.

EUR 11,00
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EUR 35,00
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