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HUNT, Robert (1807-1887).:
Mineral statirtics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for 1853 and 1854. (Memoires of the Geologicxal Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology, Mining Records.)
London: Longman, Brown, Green., and Longmans, 1855.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

8vo, 23.6cm. PP. [2],viii,[2,blank],135, many tables in text. Paperbound, new plain wrappers,. orig. printed wrappers (edge-worn) preserved within. - First volume of the series of Mineral Statistics started by the author and continued by him until his retirement in 1883. Hunt was the founder of The Mineral Association, and also a specialist in statistics. - Rare.

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Kormos, Th., 1913.:
Bericht über meine ausländische Studienreise im Jahre 1911.

EUR 10,00
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Tussen Athene en Jeruzalem. Filosofie, profetie en politiek in het werk van Leo Strauss.

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Carriker, M.A., Jr., 1936.:
Styudies on Neotropical Mallophaga. Part I. Lice of the Tinamous (Tinamidae).

EUR 17,50
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Wollemann, A., 1889.:
Über die Diluvialsteppe.

EUR 8,00
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EUR 75,00
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