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KOTÔ, Bunjiro:
The Archaean Formation of the Abukama Plateau.
[From:] Journal of the College of Science [...] vol. 5 [1893]:

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

pp. 197-293, 1 double-page map, 2 fold. plates of sections (1 coloured), 8 microphotos on 2 plates, 1 plate of figures, notes & refs. 4to, 25.4cm. Hardbound, contemp. cloth-backed boards. Fine. - With the author's handwritten presentation label to Prof. Riosenbusch. - Classic work on the metamorphic history of the Gosaisho-Takanuki metamorphic belt. Rare,

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Kjellman, F.R., 1877.:
Ueber die Algenvegetation des Murmanschen Meeres an der Westküste voin Nowaja Semlja und Wajgatsch. [N. Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal., Ser. 3, Vol. extra ord. ed., 12.]

EUR 40,00
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CORSANI, Gaetano.:
La produzione e il commercio dei marmi Italiani. La gestione aziendale sotto l'aspetto economico-tecnico.

EUR 40,00
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Moore, E.J., 1987.:
Tertiary marine Pelecypods of California and Baja California: Plicatullidae to Ostreidae. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 1228-C.]

EUR 25,00
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Lagaaij, R., 1968.:
First fossil find of six genera of Bryozoa Cheilostomata.

EUR 4,00
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