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Mac Gillavry, H.J., 1937.:
Geology of the province of Camaguey, Cuba,, with erevisional studies in rudist paleontology (mainly based upon collections from Cuba).
Amsterdam 1937.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to. Pp. viii,168, 3 plates of photos, 6 plates of figures, 1 folding coloured map. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. - Doctoral thesis, Universiry of Amsterdam. - The paleontological part covers pages 37-168 and is exclusively devoted to rudists.

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Wahlman, G.P., 1992.:
Middle and Upper Ordovician symmetrical univalved mollusks (Monoplacophora and Bellerophontina) of the Cincinnati Arch region. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 1066-0.]

EUR 30,00
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Särchinger, H., 1939.:
Geologie des Benediktwandgebirges zwischen Glaswandscharte und Isar.

EUR 20,00
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Westermann, G.E.G., 1972.:
Middle Jurassic ammonoid fauna and biochronology of the SArgentine-Chilean Andes. Part I: Hildoceratidae.

EUR 60,00
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GILL, Theodore.:
Arrangement of the families of mammals. With analytical tables. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. [Smithson. Misc. Coll., 230.]

EUR 45,00
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