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Pilgrim, G.E., 1932.:
The fossil Carnivora of India. [Mem. Geol. Syrv. India / Palaeont. Indica, N.S., XVIII.]
Calcutta: Government of India Central Publications Branch, 1930.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 34cm. Pp. [4],iv,232,[22], numerous figs. on 10 plates, 1 fold. phylogeny graph, refs., bibliogr., index. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. Fine. - Very scarce.

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Friedmann, H., 1960.:
The parasitic weaverbirds. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 223.]

EUR 17,50
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Wyman, D., 1947.:
The arborerums and botanical gardens of North America.

EUR 15,00
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Clarke, J.M., & Ruedemann, R., 1903.:
Catalogue of type specimens of Paleozoic fossils in New York State Museum. [Bull. N.Y. State Mus., 284.]

EUR 35,00
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PIPPING, Knut Theodor (1826-1885).:
Om ichroit. Akademisk Afhandling [...] under inseende af D:r Adolf Edvard Arpe, Professor i Kemien, til offentlig granskning utgifven [...]

EUR 45,00
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EUR 175,00
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