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Reed, F.R.C., 1930.:
Upper Carboniferous fossils from Tibet. [Mem. Geol. Surv. India / Palaeont. Indica, N.S., XVI.]
Calcutta: Government of India Central Publications Branch, 1930.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Folio, 34cm. Pp. vi,32, many photos on 4 plates, notes & refs. Paperbounr, orig. printed wrappers. Very good. Rare,

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The Corner House. The early history of Johannesburg. Illustrated by Bernard Sargent.

EUR 15,00
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Illingworth, J.F., 1923.:
Early references to Hawaiian entomology. [Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Bull., 2.]

EUR 10,00
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Hüe, F. & Etchécopar, R.D.:
Les oiseaux du Proche et du Moyen Orient de la Méditerranée aux contreforts de l'Himalaya. Illustré par Paul Barruel.

EUR 95,00
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Molinari Paganelli, V., Pichezzi, R.W., & Tilia Zuccari, A., 1979.:
I coproliti di crostacei. Rassegna bibliografica e annotazioni tassonomiche. Parte I: Genere Favreina.

EUR 8,00
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EUR 35,00
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