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Simpson, Marc, Sally Mills and Jennifer Saville:
The American Canvas : Paintings from the Collection of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
Verlag: New York, NY : Hudson Hills Press, 1989.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunstgeschichte / Kunstwissenschaft

ISBN 10: 1555950256ISBN 13: 9781555950255 FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. - The collection of American paintings at The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco is certainly one of the great survey collections anywhere. It was formed by the combination of the holdings of the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, and the collection of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd, given to the consolidated institutions ten years ago. The American Canvas presents more than one hundred works from this collection, selected both for their individual importance and because together they form a representative overview of the history of American painting from 1670 to the mid-twentieth century. Each work is reproduced in full color, and each is accompanied by an extensive text discussing the artist`s life and career as well as the work itself in aesthetic terms and in terms of its historical context. The volume is thus a comprehensive documentation of aesthetic and historic accomplishment, a beautiful and colorful record of the American mind and spirit. The 105 paintings by 89 artists include many noted masterpieces, among them such icons of American art as John Vanderlyn`s Caius Marius amid the Ruins of Carthage, George Caleb Bingham`s Boatmen on the Missouri and. Country Politician, Frederic Edwin Church`s Rainy Season in the Tropics, William M. Harnett`s After the Hunt, Alexander Pope`s Trumpeter Swan, Thomas Anshutz`s The Ironworkers` Noontime, John Singer Sargent`s A Dinner Table at Night (The Glass of Claret), and Grant Wood`s Dinner for Threshers. Originalbroschur. 254 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen.

FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. - The collection of American paintings at The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco is certainly one of the great survey collections anywhere. It was formed by the combination of the holdings of the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, and the collection of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd, given to the consolidated institutions ten years ago. The American Canvas presents more than one hundred works from this collection, selected both for their individual importance and because together they form a representative overview of the history of American painting from 1670 to the mid-twentieth century. Each work is reproduced in full color, and each is accompanied by an extensive text discussing the artist`s life and career as well as the work itself in aesthetic terms and in terms of its historical context. The volume is thus a comprehensive documentation of aesthetic and historic accomplishment, a beautiful and colorful record of the American mind and spirit. The 105 paintings by 89 artists include many noted masterpieces, among them such icons of American art as John Vanderlyn`s Caius Marius amid the Ruins of Carthage, George Caleb Bingham`s Boatmen on the Missouri and. Country Politician, Frederic Edwin Church`s Rainy Season in the Tropics, William M. Harnett`s After the Hunt, Alexander Pope`s Trumpeter Swan, Thomas Anshutz`s The Ironworkers` Noontime, John Singer Sargent`s A Dinner Table at Night (The Glass of Claret), and Grant Wood`s Dinner for Threshers.

[SW: amerikanische Malerei, 19. Jahrhunder]
amerikanische, Malerei, Jahrhunder
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