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Nowak, Claus
Mansfelder Kupferhering.,
1984 Junge Welt, Berlin 1984,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

originalgetreuer Einband (Faks.)., , 55s., in gutem Zustand., [LSA52,7b].

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REESE, B. E., Cowey, A. Projection lines and the ipsilateral retino-geniculate pathway in the hooded rat. Neuroscience 10, 1233-1247 (1983), Orb., [WES83]. / /REESE, B. E. Hidden lamination in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. The functional organization of this thalamic region in the rat. Brain Res, Reviews 13, 119-137 (1988), Obr., [WES83]. // REESE, B. E., Urich, J. L., Does early enucleation affect the decussation pattern of alpha cells in the ferret?. Visual Neuroscience 11, 447---454 (199300)., Orb., [WES40].. // REESE, B. E., Baker, G. E., The re-estabishment of the representation of the dorso-ventral retinal axis in the chisamatic region of the ferret. Visual Neuroscience 10, 957-968 (1993)., Obr., [WES40]..,// CAVALCANTE, L. A., Allodi, S., Reese, B. E., Fiber order in the opossum s optic tract. Anat. Embryol.- 186, 589-600 (1992)., Obr., [WES52].., // REESE B. E., Celler, S. F., Precious invasion of the ooptic stalk by the transient retinopetal axons., J. Comp Neurol., 353, 572--584 (1995)., Obr., [WES102]..,/ REESE B. E., Johnson, P. T., Baker, G.E., Maturational gradients in the retina of the ferret., J. Comp. Neurol., 275, 252--273 (1996)., Obr., [WES102]..,

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Die Libelle / Mein Leben, mein Dorf / Tollkühn / Begegnung am Nussardhügel.,

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Mark Twain

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