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Valecka, Jaroslav
Farblithographie / Color lithography, 70 x 50 cm. Eigenhändig signiert signed by the artist.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Originalgraphik / Graphics

Valecka completed an Arts Degree at the Academy Of Fine Arts Prague (Avu) in 1998. Also having spent several months at the West Norway Academy of Art (Vka),The State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe and the Willem De Kooning Academy Rotterdam (Wdka). Born on October 27, 1972 in Prague, Jaroslav Valecka has always felt an exceptionally strong emotional attachment to the impressive mountainous countryside of Northern Bohemia (particularly to the village of Líska in the Lusatian Mountains, where he spent part of his childhood), which has been serving as an inexhaustible source of inspiration with regard to his body of work - be it because a child’s soul is naturally peculiarly impressionable and sensitive, or due to the fact that its eventful history has created incredibly exciting contrasts within this specific area.

Best condition

[SW: Tschechische Kunst, Zeitgenössische Kunst, czech art, Steindruck, Graphik, graphics, Druckgraphik, L.]
Tschechische, Kunst, Zeitgenössische, Kunst, czech, Steindruck, Graphik, graphics, Druckgraphik
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
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EUR 330,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
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