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PAWLOWSKY-GLAHN, V. (editor).:
Proceedings of IAMG'97. The Third Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology
Barcerlona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 1997.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

3 vols., 8vo, 23.8cm. Vol. 1: pp. xvi,1-370; vol. 2: pp. 379-1085; vol. 3 (addendum): pp. 45. Hardbound (vol. 1 & 2, vol. 3 paperbound). Fine, like new. - Very scarce.

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Holmes, Th.V., & Sherborn, G,D. (editors), 1891.:
Geologist's Association. A Record of Excursions made between 1860 and 1890.

EUR 50,00
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MUSEOLOGIA. Museumtechnisch en Educatief Tijdschrift van Natuurlijke Historie en Aardwetenschappen. / Journal of Museum Technology and Education in the Natural Sciences. Nrs. 1 - 6.

EUR 30,00
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Castellanos, A., 1937.:
Anotaciones sobre la linea filogenética de los Clamiterios. [Publ. Inst. Fisiogr. Geol., 1.]

EUR 7,00
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Kruskop, S., 1999.:
Ecomorphological diversity of plain-nosed bats (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera. // Borissenko, A.V/. 1999. Life-history models and the diversity of reproductive strategies in Vespertilionidae (Chiroptera).

EUR 15,00
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