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Bemis, Virginia:
Energy Guide: A Directory of Information Resources. Garland Reference Library of Social Science, Vol. 43.
New York / London, Garland Publishing., 02.1978.
ISBN/EAN: 9780824098704

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Soziologie

250 Seiten Hardcover.

Good condition. Library copy with usual marks.

[SW: Sociology Sozialwissenschaften]
Sociology, Sozialwissenschaften
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Kotz, Samuel, Norman L. Johnson and Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan [Eds.]:  Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences - 16 volume set : 1. A to Buys - Ballot table / 2. Calcutta Statistical Association bulletin to Cyclic sampling / 3. D`Agostino test of normality to Eye estimate / 4. Faa Di Bruno`s formula to Graduation, Whittaker - Henderson / 5. Graeco-Latin squares to International Statistical Institute (ISI) / 6. International statistical review to Line intersect sampling / 7. Lineo-normal distribution to Mixtures of normal distributions ... / 8. Mizutani distribution to Nyquist frequency / 9. Oakes`s test of concordance to Preference functions / 10. Preference mapping to Recovery of interblock information / 11. Rectangular distribution to Sequential estimation / 12. Sequential estimation of the mean in finite populations to Steiner`s most frequent value / 13. Stein`s method to Tobit model ... / 14. Toeplitz lemma to V n-test / 15. Wagr test to Zyskind-Martin models / 16. Cumulative index, volumes 1 - 15.
Kotz, Samuel, Norman L. Johnson and Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan [Eds.]:
Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences - 16 volume set : 1. A to Buys - Ballot table / 2. Calcutta Statistical Association bulletin to Cyclic sampling / 3. D`Agostino test of normality to Eye estimate / 4. Faa Di Bruno`s formula to Graduation, Whittaker - Henderson / 5. Graeco-Latin squares to International Statistical Institute (ISI) / 6. International statistical review to Line intersect sampling / 7. Lineo-normal distribution to Mixtures of normal distributions ... / 8. Mizutani distribution to Nyquist frequency / 9. Oakes`s test of concordance to Preference functions / 10. Preference mapping to Recovery of interblock information / 11. Rectangular distribution to Sequential estimation / 12. Sequential estimation of the mean in finite populations to Steiner`s most frequent value / 13. Stein`s method to Tobit model ... / 14. Toeplitz lemma to V n-test / 15. Wagr test to Zyskind-Martin models / 16. Cumulative index, volumes 1 - 15.

EUR 2.532,20
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Steedman, Ian:
From Exploitation to Altonism (=Aspects of Political Economy).

EUR 5,70
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Barlsen, Jörg und J. Hohmeier (Hg.):  Neue berufliche Chancen für Menschen mit Behinderungen : unterstützte Beschäftigung im System der beruflichen Rehabilitation.
Barlsen, Jörg und J. Hohmeier (Hg.):
Neue berufliche Chancen für Menschen mit Behinderungen : unterstützte Beschäftigung im System der beruflichen Rehabilitation.

EUR 5,20
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Schwarte, Johannes:
Rückfall in die Barbarei : die Folgen öffentlicher Erziehungsvergessenheit ; Plädoyer für eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Erziehungsverantwortung.

EUR 33,00
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