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Ogden, C. K. and I. A. Richards:
The Meaning of Meaning.
Harcourt, Brace & Co., Inc, New York, no year.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Philosophie / Philosophiegeschichte

A Study of the Influence of Language Upon Thought, and of the Science of Symbolism. SEHR gutes Exemplar der NEUAUSGABE. First published in 1923. Reprint. A new and revised edition of a fundamental work which deals with Communication, particularly in relation to words and symbols. The authors make it clear why an understanding of the nature of speech is essential if we are not to be the victims of our linguistic machinery. In very good condition. Originalbroschur. /Wrappers 19 cm XXII, 363 pages. Index of Subjects. Index of Names.

SEHR gutes Exemplar der NEUAUSGABE. First published in 1923. Reprint. A new and revised edition of a fundamental work which deals with Communication, particularly in relation to words and symbols. The authors make it clear why an understanding of the nature of speech is essential if we are not to be the victims of our linguistic machinery. In very good condition.

[SW: Begriff, bedeutung philosophie Sprache Sprachphilosophie Symbol, Symbolismus Wissenschaft]
Begriff, bedeutung, philosophie, Sprache, Sprachphilosophie, Symbol, Symbolismus, Wissenschaft
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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Engel, Gustav Eduard:  System der metaphysischen Grundbegriffe.
Engel, Gustav Eduard:
System der metaphysischen Grundbegriffe.

EUR 16,00
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Baensch, Otto (Herausgeber):
Spinoza, Benedictus de: Sämtliche Werke. Die Ethik nach geometrischer Methode dargestellt.

EUR 18,00
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Huxley, Aldous:
Huxley and God: Essays Edited by Jacqueline Hazard Bridgeman. Introduction by Huston Smith. ISBN 10: 006250536X / ISBN 13: 9780062505361

EUR 37,50
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Hausen, Dirk:
Kommunikation, Argumentation und Funktion des "philosophus" in Peter Abaelards "Gespräch eines Philosophen, eines Juden und eines Christen".

EUR 18,00
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EUR 39,50
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00
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