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BILD, IAN & Wilf Wythe [Introduced & Edited by].
The Bristol Picture Book. Fifty years of people's lives in photographs 1890 - 1940. Introduction and edited by Wilf Wythe and Ian Bild.
Bristol. Bristol Broadsides. 1985.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Bristol

92pp. Large Format Paperback. Illustr.

Covers slightly rubbed. Good. ISBN 0906944228.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,90
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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Journal of the Bristol & Avon Family History Society. June 1996. Number 84. Includes: 18th Century Bristol - Bahamas Connections by David Bethel: Civil Registration and the Census by Janet Hiscocks: The Purnells of Bristol, their Origins and Descendants by Paul A.R. Newbury.

EUR 29,00
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The Tenant's Handbook. Bristol City Council / Housing Department 1982.

EUR 22,00
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Journal of the Bristol & Avon Family History Society. September 1994. Number 77. Includes: Edward Long Fox Snr M.D. and Brislington House by Muriel Maby: A Soldier's Diary, into the Line by Delia Poulton, et al.

EUR 29,00
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Bristol Waterfront. Spring 1983. Issue No 2.

EUR 16,00
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EUR 39,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,90
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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Worpsweder Antiquariat, DE-27726 Worpswede
