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HEFTING, Peter (comp. & introd.).:
Postzegel. Achtergronden, emissiegegevens en vormgeving. [Nederlandse Postzegels, 1987-1988.]
's-Gravenhage: Staatsbedrijf der PTT en SDU Uitgeverij, 1988..

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Two volumes, 8vo, 24.8cm. Vol. 1: 8 pp. numbered A-H, 52 unnumb. pp., 116 numb. pp.; vol. 2: numbered pp. 117-228, very numerous illustrations in colour and black & white throughout both volumes. Printed on varying paper stock, paperbound in "japanese style", side-stapled in original stiff wrappers, gilt-stamped vignette embossed to front cover of vol. 1, same embossed in black to second volume. Faint rubbing to edges of both volumes, towards end of first volume a faint moisture trace appearing only as a slight undulation of paper of lower half of few pages and rear cover, very good otherwise. - Irma Boom's Checklist nr. 221. - Complete set of the of the two-volume yearbook on the postage stamps for 1987/88 issued by the Dutch PTT. One of the earliest achievements by Irma Boom (*1960), prominent among the world's leading book designers of today, she was awarded several prestigious prizes in the field.

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Blandford, W.T., 1872.:
Description of the geology of Nagpur and its neighourhood.

EUR 16,00
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MIEROP, Louis van:
De Rein Leven-Beweging. In haar beginsel en arbeid geschetst.

EUR 10,00
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MYERS, Robin, & HARRIS, Michael (editors).:
A Genius for Letters. Booksellers and bookselling from the 16th to the 20th century.

EUR 25,00
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Weber, ,L., ,& Weiss, A., 1983.:
Bergbaugeschichte und Geologie der österreichischen Braunkohlenvorkommen. [Arch. Lagestättenforsch. Geol. Bundesanst., 4.]

EUR 45,00
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EUR 225,00
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