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RUMFORD, Benjamin Thompson, Count (1753-1814)..:
An Enquiry concerning the Nature of Heat, and the Mode of its Communication. Read February 2, 1804. [Printed in:] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, for the year MDCCCIV, Part I.
London 1804.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

4to, 30cm. Pp. 77-182 [whole volume: pp. viii,190;26], 6 finely engraved figures on 2 plates. Plain modern interim wrappers, uncut. Small neat repair to blank part of title-page, some faint foxing or toning, generally very good. - First appearance of Rumford's second large paper on the mechanical equivalent of heat, in which he overthrows the caloric theory. It is one of the autho'r important steps towards the conception of the principle of the "conservation of energy". - Rare.

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Cahiers Céline 5. Lettres à des amis. Textes réunis et presentés par Colin W. Nettelbeck.

EUR 30,00
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Putzer, H., 1976.:
Metallogenetische Provinzen in Südamerika.

EUR 20,00
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Schmid, G., 1937.:
Goethe, Thüringer Laboranten und ein Faustsagenfragment.

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Eskola, P., 1933.:
On the differential anataxis of rocks.

EUR 5,00
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