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Grill, R. et. al.:
Guide to Excursion 33 C Austria: Neogene Basins and Sedimentary Units of the Eastern Alps near Vienna. International Geological Congress, XXIII Session, Prague 1968.
Wien, Geological Survey of Austria., 1968.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geowissenschaften - Earth science

75 p., with figures and fold-out-plates, 20 cm, Paperback.

Good condition. Library copy with usual marks.

[SW: Geology Archaeology]
Geology, Archaeology
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Zotikov, Igor A.:
The Antarctic subglacial Lake Vostok. Glaciology, Biology and Planetology. (=Springer Praxis books in geophysical sciences).

EUR 29,50
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O`Connell, R.J. and W.S. Fyve (Eds.):
Evolution of the Earth. (= Geodynamics Series, Volume 5).

EUR 16,10
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Brewer, Peter G. (Edts.):
Oceanography, the present and future : [from the proceedings of "Will we use the oceans wisely - the next fifty years in oceanography", a Symposium on the Future of oceanography, September 29 - October 2, 1980, at the Woods Hole Oceanograph. Inst., Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Inst.].

EUR 6,00
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Voigt, Hartmut:
Geoökologische Schüleruntersuchungen: Theorie u. Praxis geograph. Feldarbeit im Unterricht.

EUR 6,20
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