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Ormond, Richard, Stephen Jones Christopher Newall a. o.:
Frederic, Lord Leighton. Eminent Victorian Artist.
Harry N. Abrams, 1996.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunstgeschichte / Kunstwissenschaft

ISBN 10: 0810935783ISBN 13: 9780810935785 FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. Excellent copy. - THE FIRST TIME Frederic Leighton ( 1830-1896 ) showed a picture at the Royal Academy in London, Queen Victoria bought it. This eminent painter and sculptor went on to become president of the Royal Academy and was the first artist to be made a lord. Now, one hundred years after his death, the Royal Academy is honoring him with a major retrospective exhibition, for which this book serves as the catalogue. -- Leighton is most renowned for his masterly figure paintings, his gorgeously costumed figures were painted with bravura and with a skill that bespoke his many years of training. His famous Fläming June, with its alluring subject barely clothed in a sheer apricot gown, is characteristic of his mature work vibrant, sexy, and evocative. Originalleinen mit Original-Schutzumschlag. 256 Seiten, 222 illustrations, including 128 plates in full color. First edition.

FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. Excellent copy. - THE FIRST TIME Frederic Leighton ( 1830-1896 ) showed a picture at the Royal Academy in London, Queen Victoria bought it. This eminent painter and sculptor went on to become president of the Royal Academy and was the first artist to be made a lord. Now, one hundred years after his death, the Royal Academy is honoring him with a major retrospective exhibition, for which this book serves as the catalogue. -- Leighton is most renowned for his masterly figure paintings, his gorgeously costumed figures were painted with bravura and with a skill that bespoke his many years of training. His famous Fläming June, with its alluring subject barely clothed in a sheer apricot gown, is characteristic of his mature work vibrant, sexy, and evocative.

[SW: Maler, Malerei, Biographie, Leben, Werk, Ausstellung]
Maler, Malerei, Biographie, Leben, Werk, Ausstellung
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