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Hadol, Paul
Karte von Europa im Jahre 1870 (Lithograph published by Charles Fuchs in Hamburg in 1914)
Charles Fuchs in Hamburg. 1914

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Landkarten

36,4 x 47,5 cm. Map was folded / Karte war gefaltet, einige kl. Randeinrisse (wenig störend), wenige Flecken

------- German edition of Paul Hadol's satirical political cartoon map. of Europe showing countries personified in caricature and alluding to the tensions that finally erupted as the Franco-Prussian War in July 1870. In the center, a buffoonish Prussia interacts with its suspicious neighbours. England is depicted as an old woman holding its dog, Ireland, by a leash. Spain and Turkey are portrayed as unconcerned women on the fringes relaxing with a cigarette and a hookah respectively. Corsica and Sardinia become an impish figure mooning the viewer. A rifle with a bayonet near the bottom edge is sardonically labeled "Degrees of Longitude." The various tensions and rivalries between the nations are described in the caption: "England enraged forgets Ireland but still keeps it in her power. Spain & Portugal smoke away lazily. France tries to overthrow Prussia who advances one hand on Holland and one over Austria. Italy advises Bismarck to keep off. Corsica & Sardinia laugh on at all. Denmark hopes to recover Holstein. European Turkey awakens yawningly. Asian Turkey is inhaling the smoke of a waterpipe. Sweden crouching like a panther. Russia as Servant Rupert is trying for anything to fill his basket

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Keller, Heinrich
Lithographierte Ausgabe von Keller's Erster Reisekarte der Schweiz

EUR 150,00
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  Nouveau Plan de Paris Divise en 20 Arrondissements

Nouveau Plan de Paris Divise en 20 Arrondissements

EUR 380,00
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Ravenstein-Liebenows Rad und Automobilkarte von Mittel-Europa: Blatt 127 Strassburg-Karlsruhe,

EUR 15,00
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Seutter, Matthäus  Landkarte "Alsatia Landgraviatus cum utroque Marchionatu Badensi, Sundgovia, Brisgovia ...." (Altkolierte Kupferkarte)
Seutter, Matthäus
Landkarte "Alsatia Landgraviatus cum utroque Marchionatu Badensi, Sundgovia, Brisgovia ...." (Altkolierte Kupferkarte)

EUR 140,00
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Antiquariat Eppler, DE-76229 Karlsruhe-Grötzingen
