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Cole, G. D. H.
A History of Socialist Thought (5 Volumes in seven Books) (7 BÜCHER)
London :: Macmillan. 1962

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Politik/Beziehungen/Parteien/Ideologie/Milieu/Wahl

22,5cm;. 345; 481; 1042 ; 939; 351;. Gewebe (Roter Leinen)

Zustand: Gut bis Sehr Gut gering gebräunt (Innen); Kleiner Schrifteintrag vor dem Titelblatt; Einband (Außen) hat geringe Gebrauchsspuren; Schutzumschlag (hat geringe Gebrauchsspuren - habe einen sehr kleinen Riß gesehen); G.D.H.Cole (1889-1959) was an outstanding political historian and theorist during the interwar and immediate postwar periods. He was a Labor Party intellectual who helped to shape the party's thinking, active in the peace movement during the First World War and in the Fabian Society in its early days. This seven-volume collection is his comprehensive account of the development of socialist thinking from the early 'social' thinkers who favored cooperative action, through the development of ideas of social democracy and of achieving social justice through social and political revolution; Vol. I: The Forerunners; Vol. II: Marxism and Anarchism; Vol. III Part I: The Second International, Part II: The Second International; Vol. IV. Part I: Communism and Social Democracy, Part II: Communism and Social Democracy; Vol. V: Socialism and Fascism;

[SW: 1961 1960]
1961, 1960
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
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