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International Geological Congress XVI session (Hrsg.)
28 Guidebooks

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Bergbau/ Geologie

- Text englisch. Enthalten: Guidebook 1: Excursion A-1. Chester R. Longwell. Eastern New York and Western New England/ Guidebook 2: Excursion A-2. Joseph T. Singewald. Mining districts of the Eastern States/ Guidebook 3: Excursion A-3. Charles Butts etc. Southern Appalachian Region/ Guidebook 4: Excursion A-4. D.H. Newland. The paleozoic stratigraphy of New York/ Guidebook 5: Excursion A-5. Lloyd W. Stephenson etc. Chesapeake Bay Region/ Guidebook 6: Excursion A-6. W.E. Wrather. Oklahoma and Texas/ Guidebook 7: Excursion A-7. Douglas Johnson. Geomorphology of the Central Appalachians/ Guidebook 9: New York Excursions. Charles P. Berkey. New York City and Vicinity/ Guidebook 9A: Excursion New York 11. George Chadwick. The Catskill Region/ Guidebook 10: Excursions B-1, B-2, B-3. George W. Stose. Southern Pennsylvania and Maryland/ Guidebook 11: Excursions B-4, B-5, B-6. Arthur Bevan. Northern Virginia/ Guidebook 12: Excursion B-7. C. Wythe Cooke. Southern Maryland/ Guidebook 13: Excrusion C-1. N.H. Darton. Western Texas and Carlsbad Caverns/ Guidebook 14: Excursion C-1. F. L. Ransome. Ore deposits of the southwest/ Guidebook 16: Excursion C-1. Olaf P. Jenkins. Middle California and Western Nevada/ Guidebook (18): Excursions C-1 and C-2. Herbert Gregory. Colorado plateau region/ Guidebook 20; Excursion C-2. Raymond Moore. Pennsylvanian of the Northern Mid-Continent region/ Guidebook 21: Excursion C-2. Ralph Chaney. Central Oregon/ Guidebook 22: Excursion C-2. J. Harlen Bretz. The channeled Scabland/ Guidebook 23: Excursion C-2. Eugene Perry. The Butte minig district Montana/ Guidebook 24: Excursion C-2. Richard Field. Yellowstone-Beartooth-Big Horn region/ Guidebook 25: Excursion C-2. Cleophas O'Harra. The Black Hills/ Guidebook 26: Excursion C-3. William Alden. Glacial geology of the Central States/ Guidebook 27: Excursion C-4. W. O. Hotchkiss. Lake Superior region/ Guidebook 28. Philip B. King. An outline of the structural geology of the United States/ Guidebook 29. John Reeside. Stratigraphic nomenclature in the U S./ Guidebook 30. George Grimsley. The Baltimore & Ohio railroad/ Guidebook 30. Baltimore & Ohio railroad. Maps. - US Government Printing Office, Washington, 1932-33. Je Heft ca. 50 Seiten. kartoniert in Schubern (Gebrauchsspuren)

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,90
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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